Visual Rating – For Ladies

 Visual Rating - For Ladies

Answer either Agree or Disagree

1. Her hair colour is black / natural colours
2. She combs / style her hair.
3. I cannot see frizzy / baby hair.
4. I cannot see white hair.
5. Hair – if long, must be tied up high – above the ears.
6. Her hair is not covering her eyebrows or eyes
7. Her accessories from the neck up are limited to 1-2 only
8. Her face is clean and free from oil.
9. She has light makeup on.
10. She has powder or foundation on.
11. She has eyeliner on.
12. She wears eyeshadow.
13. She wears blusher.
14. She wears lipstick.
15. I cannot see pimples that are about to pop.
16. Her eyes are bright and clear.
17. She doesn’t have cracked lips
18. She has clean, white teeth.
19. She doesn’t have any food stuck between her teeth.
20. I can smell nice perfume / cologne on her