Visual Rating – For Ladies (Individual)

 Visual Rating - For Ladies (Individual)

Answer either Agree or Disagree

1. My hair colour is black / natural colour
2. I comb/ style my hair.
3. I cannot see frizzy / baby hair.
4. I cannot see white hair.
5. Hair – if long, must be tied up high – above the ears.
6. My hair is not covering my eyebrows or eyes
7. My accessories from the neck up are limited to 1-2 only
8. My face is clean and free from oil.
9. I have light makeup on.
10. I have powder or foundation on.
11. I have eyeliner on.
12. I wear eyeshadow.
13. I wear blusher.
14. I wear lipstick.
15. I cannot see pimples that are about to pop.
16. My eyes are bright and clear.
17. I don't have cracked lips
18. I have clean, white teeth.
19. I don't have any food stuck between my teeth.
20. I an wearing a nice perfume / cologne