Visual Rating – Ladies with Headscarves

 Visual Rating - Ladies with Headscarves

Answer either Agree or Disagree

1. Her hair cannot be seen.
2. Her headscarf is neat and looks professional.
3. Her headscarf doesn’t have a lot of bling-blings or other ornaments
4. Her headscarf matches with her dress.
5. Her neck is not visible.
6. She has a limit of 1-2 brooches only
7. Her headscarf is not see-through
8. Her face is clean and free from oil.
9. She has light makeup on.
10. She has powder or foundation on.
11. She has eyeliner on.
12. She wears eyeshadow.
13. She wears blusher.
14. She wears lipstick.
15. I cannot see pimples that are about to pop.
16. Her eyes are bright and clear.
17. She doesn’t have cracked lips
18. She has clean, white teeth.
19. She doesn’t have any food stuck between her teeth.
20. I can smell nice perfume / cologne on her