Visual Rating – For Gentlemen (Individual)

 Visual Rating - For Gentlemen (Individual)

Answer either Agree or Disagree


1. My hair colour is black / natural (If no hair, Agree)

2. I comb / style my hair.

3. My sideburn is short (approx. half the ear).

4. My hair is short enough, not touching the collar.

5. I cannot see Kelemumur.

6. I cannot see nose hair.

7. There is no hair coming out from my ears.

8. I don't have any piercings on the face.

9. My face is clean, free from oil.

10. I cannot see pimples that are about to pop.

11. My eyes are bright and clear.

12. I don't have blood-shot eyes.

13. I don't have cracked lips.

14. I have clean, white teeth.

15. I don't have any food stuck between my teeth.

16. I have clean, nice breath.

17. My collar is clean, well-pressed. (without any bubbles trapped or look worn-out)

18. I wear  nice perfume / cologne.

19. My moustache is well-trimmed – upper lip visible. (If no moustache, Agree)

20. My beard is well-groomed – short. (If no beard, Agree)